This plugin integrates with the WPVulnerability API to provide real-time vulnerability assessments for your WordPress core, plugins, themes, PHP version, Apache HTTPD, nginx, MariaDB, MySQL, ImageMagick, curl, memcached, Redis, and SQLite.
It delivers detailed reports directly within your WordPress dashboard, helping you stay aware of potential security risks. Configure the plugin to send periodic notifications about your site’s security status, ensuring you remain informed without being overwhelmed. Designed for ease of use, it supports proactive security measures without storing or retrieving any personal data from your site.
Fiabilidade dos datos
A información proporcionada pola base de datos de información procede de diferentes fontes que foron revisadas por terceiros. Non hai responsabilidade de ningún tipo pola información. Actúa baixo o teu propio risco.
Uso do plugin
You can use the following WP-CLI commands to manage and check vulnerabilities:
- Núcleo:
wp wpvulnerability core
- Plugins:
wp wpvulnerability plugins
- Temas:
wp wpvulnerability themes
- PHP:
wp wpvulnerability php
- Apache HTTPD:
wp wpvulnerability apache
- nginx:
wp wpvulnerability nginx
- MariaDB:
wp wpvulnerability mariadb
- MySQL:
wp wpvulnerability mysql
- ImageMagick:
wp wpvulnerability imagemagick
- curl:
wp wpvulnerability curl
- memcached:
wp wpvulnerability memcached
- Redis:
wp wpvulnerability redis
- SQLite:
wp wpvulnerability sqlite
All commands support the --format
option to specify the output format:
: Displays the results in a table format (default).--format=json
: Displays the results in JSON format.
Need help?
wp wpvulnerability --help
: Displays help information for WPVulnerability commands.wp wpvulnerability [command] --help
: Displays help information for a WPVulnerability command.
The WPVulnerability plugin provides several REST API endpoints to fetch vulnerability information for different components of your WordPress site.
- Core:
- Plugins:
- Themes:
- PHP:
- Apache HTTPD:
- nginx:
- MariaDB:
- MySQL:
- ImageMagick:
- curl:
- memcached:
- Redis:
- SQLite:
The WPVulnerability REST API uses Application Passwords for authentication. You need to include a valid Application Password in the Authorization header of your requests.
Example Request with Authentication
curl -X GET -u username:application_password
Replace username with your WordPress username
and application_password
with your Application Password.
Extra Configurations
“From:” mail (since: 3.2.2)
Se, por algún motivo, precisas que os correos electrónicos enviados polo complemento teñan un De diferente ao administrador do sitio, podes cambialo desde o wp-config.php
engadindo unha constante:
If the constant is active, it will be visible in the configuration screen.
- WordPress: 4.1 – 6.7
- PHP: 5.6 – 8.4
- WP-CLI: 2.3.0 – 2.11.0
O plugin adhírese ás seguintes medidas de seguridade e protocolos de revisión para cada versión:
- Manual de plugins de WordPress
- Seguridade de plugins de WordPress
- APIs de seguridade de WordPress
- Estándares de programación en WordPress
- Comprobación de complementos (PCP)
- Revisión do código de SonarCloud
- Este plugin ou a API da base de datos de WordPress Vulnerability non recolle ningunha información sobre o teu sitio, a túa identidade, os plugins, temas nin o contido que ten o sitio.
- Non se publicaron vulnerabilidades ata a versión 4.0.2.
Atopaches unha vulnerabilidade de seguranza? Infórmano de forma privada no repositorio de GitHub de WPVulnerability.
Podes contribuir a este plugin no repositorio de GitHub de WPVulnerability.
Descarga automática
Visita a sección de plugins no seu WordPress, busca [wpvulnerability]; descarga e instala o plugin.
Descarga manual
Extrae os contidos do ZIP e sube os contidos ao directorio /wp-content/plugins/wpvulnerability/
. Unha vez subidos, aparecerán na túa lista de plugins.
Preguntas frecuentes
De onde procede a información sobre a vulnerabilidade?
A orixe está na API de As vulnerabilidades que aparecen nesta API proceden de diferentes fontes, como CVEs.
Envíanse os datos do meu sitio a algún sitio?
Non. Nunca. A túa privacidade é moi importante para nós. Non comercializamos os teus datos.
Qué vulnerabilidades vou atopar?
Vulnerabilities in WordPress Core, Plugins, Themes, PHP, Apache HTTPD, nginx, MariaDB, MySQL, ImageMagick, curl, memcached, Redis, and SQLite are documented.
Qué fago se o meu sitio ten unha vulnerabilidade?
First of all, peace of mind. Investigate what the vulnerability is and, above all, check that you have the latest version of the compromised element. We actively recommend that you keep all your WordPress and its plugins up to date. Contact your hosting provider to patch non-WordPress vulnerabilities (like web server, databases, and other software).
Colaboradores e desenvolvedores
“WPVulnerability” é un software de código aberto. As seguintes persoas colaboraron con este plugin.
Colaboradores“WPVulnerability” foi traducido a 13 idiomas. Grazas aos desenvolvedores polas súas contribucións.
Traduce “WPVulnerability” ao teu idioma.
Interesado no desenvolvemento?
Revisa o código, bota unha ollada aorepositorio SVN, ou subscríbete ao log de desenvolvemento por RSS.
Rexistro de cambios
[4.0.3] – 2024-10-28
- Recreation of the 4.0.2 version. Something did not created the 4.0.2 version.
[4.0.2] – 2024-10-25
- ImageMagick: it crashes in some cases where the hosting does not have ImageMagick.
- WordPress: 4.1 – 6.7
- PHP: 5.6 – 8.4
- WP-CLI: 2.3.0 – 2.11.0
- PHP Coding Standards: 3.10.3
- Estándares de codificación de WordPress: 3.1.0
- Plugin Check (PCP): 1.1.0
- Revisión do código de SonarCloud
[4.0.1] – 2024-10-04
- API endpoints: some API endpoints were failing.
- CLI endpoints: some CLI endpoints were failing.
- WordPress: 4.1 – 6.7
- PHP: 5.6 – 8.4
- WP-CLI: 2.3.0 – 2.11.0
- PHP Coding Standards: 3.10.3
- Estándares de codificación de WordPress: 3.1.0
- Plugin Check (PCP): 1.1.0
- Revisión do código de SonarCloud
[4.0.0] – 2024-10-01
- ImageMagic vulnerabilities (Site Health + WP-CLI + API + mail).
- curl vulnerabilities (Site Health + WP-CLI + API + mail).
- memcached vulnerabilities (Site Health + WP-CLI + API + mail).
- Redis vulnerabilities (Site Health + WP-CLI + API + mail).
- SQLite vulnerabilities (Site Health + WP-CLI + API + mail).
- Test email without email.
- Improved MariaDB 11.x detection.
- Improved versions detection (major-minor.patch-build).
- WordPress < 5.3: use of wp_date().
- WordPress < 5.0: locale detection.
- Dashboard widget only for users with capabilities.
- WordPress < 5.2: link to Site Health
- Big refactory.
- Less files, less size, improved code quality.
- WordPress: 4.1 – 6.7
- PHP: 5.6 – 8.4
- WP-CLI: 2.3.0 – 2.11.0
- Manual Testing:
- WordPress 6.7 / PHP 8.4
- WordPress 6.6 / PHP 8.3
- WordPress 6.4 / PHP 8.2
- WordPress 6.1 / PHP 8.1
- WordPress 5.8 / PHP 8.0
- WordPress 5.5 / PHP 7.4
- WordPress 5.3 / PHP 7.3
- WordPress 4.9 / PHP 7.2
- WordPress 4.8 / PHP 7.1
- WordPress 4.6 / PHP 7.0
- WordPress 4.1 / PHP 5.6
- PHP Coding Standards: 3.10.3
- Estándares de codificación de WordPress: 3.1.0
- Plugin Check (PCP): 1.1.0
- Revisión do código de SonarCloud
Previous versions
Se queres ver o rexistro de cambios completo, visita o arquivo changelog.txt.