Note: This plugin still works but it doesn’t really contain any major features that the native Text widget is missing. The plugin is no longer in active developement.
Este plugin engade un widget de texto enriquecido onde o contido se edita empregando o editor visual estándar de WordPress, co cal a maioría dos usuarios xa están familiarizados.
Utiliza a función wp_editor() do núcleo de WP sen agregar unha publicación de tipo «custom post type» para cada widget, o que fai que o widget sexa máis rápido e simple de editar.
Síntete libre de axudar co desenvolvemento ou informar de problemas en Github!
- Inglés
- Sueco
- Alemán
- Danés
- Máis traducións
The plugin adds a widget called “Rich text”. In the widget you can add a title, edit the content through a link and choose to output the title or not. When you click the “Edit content” link the WP Editor appears above the content, much like the Add media button. Click “Save and close” to save your content in the widget. The widget as displayed in Twenty Fourteen. You can choose to display the title. The widget as displayed in Twenty Fourteen with title output turned on.
- Extrae o arquivo ZIP e move o cartafol «wp-editor-widget», co seu contido,
na túa instalación de WordPress - Activa o plugin baixo «Plugins» na área de administración de WordPress
Colaboradores e desenvolvedores
“WP Editor Widget” é un software de código aberto. As seguintes persoas colaboraron con este plugin.
Colaboradores“WP Editor Widget” foi traducido a 9 idiomas. Grazas aos desenvolvedores polas súas contribucións.
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Interesado no desenvolvemento?
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Rexistro de cambios
- Added support for WPML – Set the language for each Widget and only the ones for the current active language is output. (Thanks to @docryan)
- Added filter
– Makes it possible to change the full HTML output of the Widget through a plugin or a theme - Added action
– Makes it possibel to add custom form elements to the Widghet through a plugin or a theme - Added Scrutinizer code quality check for Github and made some changes to get better score
- Added Danish translation (Thanks to @docryan)
- Added German translation (Thanks to @ohaucke)
- Renamed the editor id to comply with WP Codex tips (Might help with Issue #3)
- Bugfix: Issue #8 – Filters for WP Editor Widget content wasn’t always loaded (since 0.5.0)
- WP Core Issue #27853 has been fixed in WP 3.9.1, this change makes sure that the fix from last version only is active on WP 3.9 and earlier
- Bugfix: Couldn’t switch to plain text on customize.php (Issue #27853)
- Bugfix: JS errors that could appear depending on if you loaded the editor in wysiwyg or plain text
- Bugfix: Didn’t store plain text widget content correctly
- This is a big change, please file an issue on Github if you find anything weird!
- Changes for WP 3.9.0 (editor now works on the admin customization page as well as on the admin widgets page)
- Most of the following changes thanks to @cfoellmann:
- Added filter
- Added filter
- Added action
- Removed constant variable textdomain
- Changed textdomain to plugin id name
- Split widget class into it’s own file
- Limited asset loading to widgets.php
- Changed PHP code style to WP standard
- Lowered the z-index of the WP Editor overlay modal because image buttons (in the editor) wasn’t showing because they had lower z-index (thanks nbspjr on
- Added standard WP functions wptexturize, convert_smilies, convert_chars, wpautop, shortcode_unautop, prepend_attachment, do_shortcode to the wp_editor_widget_content filter (thanks danieliser on
- Updated the Swedish translation
- Moved load_plugin_textdomain() for translation to the plugins_loaded action to make sure the widget is correctly translated.
- Changed the name of the widget to “Rich text” and the description to a less “techy” text (thanks /u/actionscripted on Reddit for a UI more similar to the core widgets
- Tested in WP 3.6
- CSS bug fix for hide button on WYSIWYG overlay
- JS bug fix on get and set wpeditor content
- Changed the WYSIWYG overlay button from “Update and close” to a primary button called “Save and close”
- Changed so that the widget is saved when closing the WYSIWYG overlay
- Added pot translation file and Swedish translation (contact me if you wish to help translate,
- CSS fix for widget editor close button
- First stable proof of concept version.