

Usa a sección «Opcións de Two-Factor» en «Usuarios» O teu perfil» para activar e configurar na túa cuenta un ou varios provedores de identificación de dous factores:

  • Códigos de correo electrónico
  • Contrasinais dun só uso baseadas en tempo (TOTP)
  • FIDO dobre factor universal (U2F)
  • Códigos de respaldo
  • Método ficticio (só con fins de proba)

Para máis antecedentes, consulta esta entrada.

Accións e filtros

Aquí hai unha lista de ganchos de acción e filtro proporcionados polo plugin:

  • two_factor_providers filter overrides the available two-factor providers such as email and time-based one-time passwords. Array values are PHP classnames of the two-factor providers.
  • two_factor_enabled_providers_for_user filter overrides the list of two-factor providers enabled for a user. First argument is an array of enabled provider classnames as values, the second argument is the user ID.
  • A acción two_factor_user_authenticated, que recibe o obxecto de conexión WP_User como primeiro argumento, para definir o usuario rexistrado xusto despois do fluxo de traballo de identificación.
  • two_factor_email_token_ttl filter overrides the time interval in seconds that an email token is considered after generation. Accepts the time in seconds as the first argument and the ID of the WP_User object being authenticated.
  • two_factor_email_token_length filter overrides the default 8 character count for email tokens.
  • two_factor_backup_code_length filter overrides the default 8 character count for backup codes. Providers the WP_User of the associated user as the second argument.


  • Opcións de dobre factor no perfil de usuario.
  • Sección de claves de seguridade U2F no perfil de usuario.
  • Identificación do código do correo electrónico durante o acceso a WordPress.

Preguntas frecuentes

How can I send feedback or get help with a bug?

The best place to report bugs, feature suggestions, or any other (non-security) feedback is at the Two Factor GitHub issues page. Before submitting a new issue, please search the existing issues to check if someone else has reported the same feedback.

Where can I report security bugs?

The plugin contributors and WordPress community take security bugs seriously. We appreciate your efforts to responsibly disclose your findings, and will make every effort to acknowledge your contributions.

To report a security issue, please visit the WordPress HackerOne program.


10 de Xaneiro, 2025
This plugin adds 2FA to Wordpress. It defaults to sending a code to the email address associated to the user, but it is possible for the user to configure for backup codes or authenticator app as well. We have been using this plugin for a couple of years. I definitely appreciate the fact that is maintained by open source contributors, although that does mean that at times bug fixes can be a little slow to be published. I have collaborated with the guys on Github and they are top notch.
26 de Novembro, 2024
Seit ich das Plugin kenne, nutze ich auch endlich Zwei-Faktor-Authentifizierung. Nur einen Ort für die gedruckten Notfallisten muss ich noch finden … 😚 (*flööt*)


15 de Outubro, 2024
Update it for WordPress new version please. Also add below option: Allow remembering device for 30 days If enabled, users with 2FA enabled may choose to be prompted for a code only once every 30 days per device.
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