Este plugin non se actualizou en máis de 2 anos. É posible que xa non sexa compatible ou mantido por ninguén, ou podes ter problemas de compatibilidade cando se usa con novas versións de WordPress.

Simple Posts Generator


A straight forward Posts Generator for Developers and Testers.
Once active, a Posts Generator user will be created for later use.

In the Tools page, you can set the Title, Content, Post Type and number of posts to be generated.
Once you’re done with the data, you may then delete the user since all generated posts will be under the Posts Generator user.


How to install the plugin and get it working.

  1. Upload simple-post-generator/ directory to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  3. Go to Tools > Simple Post Generator, to start

Preguntas frecuentes

How to use the plugin

This is a straight forward plugin. And the steps below will summarize what you will do with it:

  • Write a base post title
  • Write a content to be the content of all generated posts
  • Select the post type where the posts are going to be inserted
  • Generate the Posts
  • Once done testing, you may delete the user “Post_Generator” then select “Delete all content.” then all generated posts will be deleted
Things to take note about this plugin

While the plugin is active, a user “__ Post_Generator __” is created and if deleted, will be recreated.


Non hai recensións para este plugin.

Colaboradores e desenvolvedores

“Simple Posts Generator” é un software de código aberto. As seguintes persoas colaboraron con este plugin.


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Interesado no desenvolvemento?

Revisa o código, bota unha ollada aorepositorio SVN, ou subscríbete ao log de desenvolvemento por RSS.

Rexistro de cambios


  • Updated the documents to be compatible with WP 4.2.3


  • Initial Version (No version 1.0)