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HTML Parser


It is a very simple plugin that will help you parse your HTML code.


  • HTML Parser Plugin’s tab position in the sidebar of admin panel.
  • HTML Parser Plugin’s Page.
  • HTML Parser with working example.


  1. When you download the plugin it will mainly be a folder named ‘html-parser’.
  2. ‘html-parse’ folder contains 3 items: 1) icon.png (image icon) 2) index.php file 3) readme.txt
  3. Upload ‘html-parse’ folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  4. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
  5. After activating you will see the ‘HTML Parser’ Tab appear in the menu list on the left hand side in the dashboard.
  6. To attach this parser in your pages or posts you can use the shortcode ‘[parse]’.


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