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HH sortable ID columns


Sortable ID columns for all standard data types in WordPress admin panel.
No settings pages. It just works.
ID columns will be first in admin panel tables.

Supported entities:
* posts, pages, attachments, any custom post types
* category, term, any custom taxonomies
* users (including Multisite users)
* comments
* links (the legacy WP feature)
* blogs (aka “sites”) in Multisite Admin panel


Github repo

Preguntas frecuentes

How to change the width of the column?

Here is the example of PHP-code that can be pasted (for example in functions.php of your theme, or as a tiny plugin/mu-plugin).
The current default value is 65px;
add_action( 'admin_head', function () {
echo PHP_EOL . '<style type="text/css">table.widefat th.column-hh_id { width: 80px !important; } </style>' . PHP_EOL;
} );


14 de Xaneiro, 2021 1 resposta
My main purpose is to use the plugin to find a specific page or post based on the ID. The sorting function can indirectly fulfill my needs. I searched a lot of plugins, but there is no search function based on ID. 1. The ID of my page and post is currently 5 digits, please widen the width of the ID column, otherwise the 5th digit will be displayed in the second row, which looks inconvenient. 2. It would be better if you could provide a search function based on ID. Anyway, thank you very much for the plugin!
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Rexistro de cambios

3.0.0 — 2022.01.31

  • Add the “ID” column for Multisite Blogs and Multisite Users
  • Update “Tested up to” header: 5.5 -> 5.9
  • Update “Requires at least” header: 4.9 -> 5.7
  • Rework the content of readme.txt file
  • Refactor the codebase of the plugin
  • Add automated end-to-end tests for the output of the plugin

2.1.0 — 2021.07.07

  • Increase width of the “ID” column: 50px -> 65px , so now it can display 6 chars without a line break (#1)
  • Add the link to the Github repository of the plugin to readme.txt
  • Change “Tested up to” header: 5.5 -> 5.7
  • Update “Requires PHP” header: 5.3 -> 5.6
  • Update “Plugin URI” and “Author URI” links in the entry PHP file

2.0.3 — 2020.11.21

  • Checked compatibility with WordPress <= 5.5

2.0.2 — 2017.03.16

  • Fix PHP 5.3 compatibility

2.0.1 — 2017.02.24

  • Fix plugin meta and “Changelog” tab in readme.txt

2.0.0 — 2017.02.24

  • Code style changes
  • Change “Tested up to” meta-field to “4.7.2”
  • Change “Requires at least” meta-field to “4.6”
  • Change “Plugin URI” meta-field
  • Change “Author URI” meta-field
  • Remove unnecessary code
  • Change column insert algorithm
  • Add “Differences from “Reveal IDs” plugin” section in readme.txt
  • Add “Plugins with same functionality” section in readme.txt

1.0.0 — 2013.04.30

  • Initial release.