

«Gutenberg» é o nome usado para referirse a un novo paradigma para crear con WordPress, cuxo obxectivo é revolucionar a experiencia de publicación do mesmo xeito que Johannes Gutenberg fixo no mundo da imprenta. O proxecto consiste en catro fases que tocarán distintas áreas de WordPress: edición, personalización, colaboración, e multilinguaxe.

Despois de introducir a edición de entradas con bloques en decembro de 2018, Gutenberg engadiu a edición completa do sitio (FSE) en 2021, que foi parte de WordPress 5.9 a comezos de 2022.

Que fai Gutenberg?

Gutenberg é o «editor de bloques» de WordPress, e introduce unha aproximación modular para modificares o teu sito ao completo. Edita bloques individuais de contido en entradas e páxinas. Engade e axusta widgets. Incluso podes deseñar as cabeceiras, pés de páxina e menús de navegación usando as características da edición completa do sitio.

Cada peza de contido no editor, desde un parágrafo a unha galería ou un encabezado, é o seu propio bloque. Ao igual que os bloques físicos, os bloques de WordPress poden ser engadidos, movidos, editados ou borrados, permitindo os usuarios crear contido multimedia e diversas disposicións do sitio dun xeito intuitivo — sen ter que usar shortcodes ou código HTML e PHP personalizado.

Estamos sempre a traballar para perfeccionar a experiencia, creando máis e mellores bloques e poñendo as bases das futuras fases do plan. Cada nova versión de WordPress inclúe as características estábeis do plugin Gutenberg, polo que non é necesario instalalo para beneficiarse de todo o que ofrece.

Acceso anticipado

Eres unha persoa con coñecementos técnicos que gusta de probar as últimas características experimentais? Non che importa xogar coas novas características que están aínda en desenvolvemento activo? De ser así, este plugin beta darache acceso ás últimas características que Gutenberg está a implementar para os bloques e a edición completa do sitio, así como unha mostra do que estar por vir.

Buscanse colaboradores

Para as persoas aventureiras e as que saben moverse coa tecnoloxía, o plugin Gutenberg ofrece as últimas e mellores características. Podes unirte probándoas e usándoas, xogando cos bloques, e pode que nalgún momento te animes a colaborar ou a crear os teus propios bloques.

Descubrir máis

  • Documentación de usuario: Revisa a documentación do editor de WordPress para instrucións detalladas sobre o uso do editor como autor para crear entradas, páxinas, e máis.

  • Documentación para desenvolvedores: explora a documentación para desenvolvedores (inglés) para tutoriais extensivos, documentación, e referencias das API sobre como extender o editor.

  • Colaboradores: Gutenberg é un proxecto de software libre e ten cabida para todo tipo de colaboradores, de código a deseño, de documentación a triaxe. No manual dos colaboradores podes ver como axudar.

O centro de desenvolvemento do proxecto Gutenberg é As conversas sobre o proxecto son mantidas no sitio «Make Core» e na canle de Slack #core-editor, incluíndo as reunións semanais. Se non tes unha conta de Slack, podes darte de alta aquí.

Preguntas frecuentes

Como podo enviar suxestións ou pedir axuda sobre un erro?

O mellor lugar para informar de fallos, suxerir novas características, ou calquera outra idea é a páxina de tarefas no GitHub de Gutenberg. Antes de enviar unha nova, busca nas existentes e comproba que non fose xa suxerida por outras persoas.

Aínda que intentamos facer triaxe de tódalas suxestións enviadas no foro do plugin, obterás unha resposta máis rápida (e non se duplicará esforzo) se mantemos as conversacións centralizadas no GitHub.

Onde podo informar de erros de seguridade?

O equipo de Gutenberg e a comunidade de WordPress tómanse os erros de seguridade en serio. Apreciamos o teu esforzo para divulgar os teus achados, e faremos todo o posible para recoñecer as túas contribucións.

Para informar dun problema de seguridade, visita o programa WordPress HackerOne.

Teño que usar Gutenberg para ter acceso a estas características?

Non necesariamente. Cada versión de WordPress posterior á 5.0 inclúe funcións do plugin Gutenberg, que se coñecen colectivamente como Editor de WordPress. É probable que xa te esteas beneficiando das características estables.

Mais de quereres desfrutar das últimas características experimentais, terás que usar o plugin. Podes ler máis aquí para decidires si o plugin é o que necesitas.

Como podo saber que versións de Gutenberg están incluidas en cada versión de WordPress?

O documento versións en WordPress (inglés) mostra que versións de Gutenberg están incluidas en cada versión de WordPress.

Que é o seguinte para o proxecto?

As catro fases do proxecto son edición, personalización, colaboración, e multilingüismo. Podes coñecer máis sobre o proxecto e as distintas fases nas presentacións de «State of the Word» de Matt en 2021, 2020, 2019, e 2018. Adicionalmente, podes seguir as notas quincenais da publicación do plugin e as actualizacións mensuais do plan no sitio «Make Core» para información máis detallada sobre o que está a acontecer agora mesmo.

Onde poido ler máis sobre Gutenberg?


8 de Xaneiro, 2025
Hello. Unfortunately, this Gutenberg editor seems not to be born to be an editor. It’s very difficult for it to become one as it grows. Many of my acquaintances and clients are struggling to use it. We try to teach them, but it’s so hard that they give up. That’s why they all feel very happy when they switch back to the classic editor. Because they are just adding text and images. They still use the classic editor for e-commerce. For these reasons, Gutenberg will never become the default editor in WordPress. I have a suggestion to make this work better. When content is added with Gutenberg, it could initially be a simple WYSIWYG editor, still using Gutenberg. Similar to the comment box we use here. If it had tools for adding images and other Word-like features like bold, italic, image addition… Maybe it could also just be a simple column where text and images can be added. In other words, a default block similar to TinyMCE. Additionally, there could be a button for switching to block mode at the top, which opens the block editor when clicked. If a design is required, this button would be used; otherwise, there could be a simple interface similar to TinyMCE by default… I think if something like this is implemented, many people will start to like the Gutenberg editor. Good luck!
7 de Xaneiro, 2025
Gutenberg is unusable, so many redundant options, common actions moved into sub-menus adding extra clicks everywhere. Very frustrating to use and delays progress when working.
26 de Decembro, 2024 2 respostas
When I originally reviewed this editor I gave it 1 star. Months later I changed my review to 3 stars and now I’m going to 4 stars. In the beginning there were too many bugs and it wasn’t integrated enough. It truly was a 1 star editor when Automattic decided to ship it with whatever version that was that this first appeared in core. I still believe it needed more time. In fact, it shouldn’t have been included in core until around now. The gun was jumped. Now that I’ve had time to enjoy full block themes with the full site editor, and now that there are many add on blocks out there, it’s nice. It makes creating a new page with multiple columns very easy. Or, as a great example, I found a contact form block. I’ve never been able to add a contact form that quickly. Overall, once you learn where everything is, it’s very powerful and fun to use. Most of the time. There are still quirks. One is that depending on the height of a block, number of columns, and alignments, you might click forever trying to select one column and never succeed. Unless you revert changes and try again. But, when it works, it’s a better editor than the classic TinyMCE editor. Now I don’t want it to go away. I just want it to continue to improve.
19 de Decembro, 2024
After years of development, Gutenberg still sucks just as much as when it first came out.Matt W, who forced Gutenberg on us all doesn’t even know how to use it properly. He lost a speed build competition because he didn’t find GB easy enough to use (see the competition here: youtube dot com/watch?v=BzduYKuZAIg) I really tried to use it, as i believe in websites with as few plugins as possible.But there is no way my websites will be better without using pre-made blocks by premium providers (kadence or similar). So i might as well stick to page builders. I have delivered websites to 50+ clients, and all of them need tutorials on how to use the GB editor for something so simple as blog posts (which is only text and images).They all knew how to use the previous editor, but this one overwhelms absolutely everyone. Until the feedback is obvious enough to change direction of this horrible editor, i’m sticking with Bricks Builder (which is amazing btw).Bricks Builder has existed for a shorter time span than Gutenberg editor, and it’s a full-blown site editor. I don’t understand the scope of the failure of this project (except for the obvious fact that Matt doesn’t listen to the thousands of feedback and complaints from the community). Good luck!
15 de Decembro, 2024
I know my review doesn’t matters, But let know the others. Previously I’m using Oxygen Builder now switched to Gutenberg for flexibility and many other things, But after 3 months I’m not only disappointed but frausteted for six reasons. I don’t want to develop block and build each time for basic things. I want to use JavaScript library ( alpine, parallax, splide and many others ) for any kind of interaction. There is no native HTML elements, neither Attribute Support. When applied classes to image block after inspection I get to know it’s wrapped inside figure element where my classes applied. No Custom Html Tag support, it has not even basic tag like span, html tag support on only group, stack, row and grid this is rigid. It has bunch of predefined classes which I don’t need many times so I have to rewrite and override the element again and again. There is limited design elements available on many blocks basic things like overflow, back-filter, row reverse on mobile. You Proudly say create website without css let me I ask you again can you create website without css it’s core heart of website and you are saying you will remove and it will work try with your own body and let me know about it. For responsiveness, I thank you first off all to make me learn about fluid typography and fluid dimensions. Now get to point atleast there should be atleast one breakpoint for every elements. Look your Intrinsic Design is good Idea but it is not working with Clients, So please understand this there is many times there complex layout by UI/UX designer. As dev I need to do it. E-commerce – mainly i create e-commerce website with woocommerce in two or three months ago, now I’m creating with Medusa.js it is because woocommerce and WordPress both make me do it. If I have to create e-commerce website I have to control each and every macro element/components like your Product Collection block or repeater block. There is problem in structure ( ul ( image, name, price, Add to Cart )) it’ should be like this ( ul (li ( image, name, price, Add to Cart ))) inside block editor but li is missing from block editor so I can’t add any kind of classes to it I have to add through JavaScript same goes with price there is two price element sale price and regular price I can’t able to change basic css of one element through block editor and almost same goes with add to Cart i can’t even add icon beside add to Cart text. There is many things missing. You want to to choose how rivers flow but you should know rivers will always find their own way. Last but not least I have good journey with With WordPress and Woocommerce now it’s time to say Good Bye 👋
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