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Frontier Restrict Backend


Frontier Restrict Backend will restrict users from access to the backend (admin area)

Main Features

  • Users without the capability manage_options (Administrators) will not have access to the backend (admin area, and will be redirected to the home url).
  • Frontier Restrict Backend allows AJAX call such as upload files, but restricted users will not be allowed to access the backend area.
  • Access level chan be changed using a filter – Please see FAQ to allow authors and above to access the back end

Frontier plugins


  1. ftp the plugin to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory or install it from plugin install on your site
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress

Preguntas frecuentes

You can change the level that Frontier Restrict Backend blocks, by applying a filter in your functions.php

Per default all other than admin users are blocked, see below example of how to allow Admins, Editors and Authors.

  • manage_options = Administrators
  • edit_others_posts = Editors
  • publish_posts = Authors
  • edit_posts = Contributors
  • read = Subscribers

// ****- Set restrict to allow Author and above -****
function my_restrict_backend_level($min_allow_capability)
return “publish_posts”;
add_filter(‘restrict_backend_min_cap’, “my_restrict_backend_level”,10,1);

The above mentioned capabilities that are allowed.


Ler todas as 3 opinións

Colaboradores e desenvolvedores

“Frontier Restrict Backend” é un software de código aberto. As seguintes persoas colaboraron con este plugin.


“Frontier Restrict Backend” foi traducido a 1 idioma. Grazas aos desenvolvedores polas súas contribucións.

Traduce “Frontier Restrict Backend” ao teu idioma.

Interesado no desenvolvemento?

Revisa o código, bota unha ollada aorepositorio SVN, ou subscríbete ao log de desenvolvemento por RSS.

Rexistro de cambios


  • Tested with WP 6.2
  • Tested with PHP 8


  • Tested with WP 5.8


  • Tested with WP 5.4


  • Tested with WP 5.2.2 and php 7.2.2


  • Tested with 4.9


  • Fixed issue with Featured image by allowing bypass for async-upload.php & admin-ajax.php


  • Tested with 4.7


  • Added option to control access level from filter – see FAQ .


  • Tested with 4.5
  • Readme update


  • Removed error_log messages


  • Initial release