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Embed Iframe


Embed Iframe is a plugin that will let you embed iframe – an HTML tag that allows a webpage to be displayed inline with the current page, in a WordPress post. Although an iframe can lead to a complicated website, it can be very effective when used appropriately.


Use following tag to insert another page in post using iframe

[iframe url width height]


[iframe 400 500]


  1. Download EmbedIframe plugin
  2. Unzip
  3. Copy to your ‘/wp-content/plugins’ directory
  4. Activate plugin

You can find full details of installing a plugin on the plugin installation page

Preguntas frecuentes

Is there any limitation?

You cannot embed a URL which carries X-Frame-Options header with the value DENY.


9 de Marzo, 2022
For those wondering why his plugin appears not to work is : // By default, the ability to load your site in an iframe on another site is disabled. We recommend not changing the default unless it is mandatory for your specific site. Sites created before April 5, 2020 are permitted to be displayed in an iframe. To enable the ability to load the site in an iframe: In the left panel, click Settings, and then click Site SSL. Click the Allow site to be loaded in an iframe toggle. or go to your SSL provider and look for (in their settings) etc or: ask them to remove restriction..
30 de Marzo, 2021 1 resposta
Doesn’t work at all. Upon loading the page that features the shortcode the browser just tries to download the iframe source rather than display it.
Ler todas as 4 opinións

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Rexistro de cambios


  • Initial release


  • PHP7 compatability


  • Security related changes