Yoast Duplicate Post


This plugin allows users to clone posts of any type, or copy them to new drafts for further editing.

Cómo funciona:

  1. In ‘Edit Posts’/’Edit Pages’, you can click on ‘Clone’ link below the post/page title: this will immediately create a copy and return to the list.

  2. In ‘Edit Posts’/’Edit Pages’, you can select one or more items, then choose ‘Clone’ in the ‘Bulk Actions’ dropdown to copy them all at once.

  3. In ‘Edit Posts’/’Edit Pages’, you can click on ‘New Draft’ link below the post/page title.

  4. On the post edit screen, you can click on ‘Copy to a new draft’ above “Cancel”/”Move to trash” or in the admin bar.

  5. While viewing a post as a logged in user, you can click on ‘Copy to a new draft’ in the admin bar.

3, 4 and 5 will lead to the edit page for the new draft: change what you want, click on ‘Publish’ and you’re done.

There is also a template tag, so you can put it in your templates and clone your posts/pages from the front-end. Clicking on the link will lead you to the edit page for the new draft, just like the admin bar link.

Duplicate Post has many useful settings to customize its behavior and restrict its use to certain roles or post types. Check out the extensive documentation on yoast.com and our developer docs.


Se che resulta útil e se queres contribuír, hai dúas formas:

  1. Submit your bug reports, suggestions and requests for features on GitHub;
  2. If you want to translate it to your language (there are just a few lines of text), you can use the translation project;


  • Editor clásico.
  • Editor de bloques.
  • Lista de publicacións.
  • Menú da barra de administración.
  • Accións en lote.
  • A páxina de opcións.


Usa a función engadir novo plugin de WordPress, buscando “Duplicate Post” ou descarga o arquivo e:

  1. Descomprime o arquivo no teu ordenador
  2. Upload duplicate-post directory to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  3. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  4. Vai a Axustes -> Duplicate Post e personaliza o seu comportamento como o necesites.

Preguntas frecuentes

O plugin non funciona, por que?

First, check your version of WordPress: the plugin is not supposed to work on old versions anymore. Make sure also to upgrade to the last version of the plugin!

Then try to deactivate and re-activate it, some user have reported that this fixes some problems.

Pay also attention to the “Permissions” tab in the Settings: make sure the plugin is enabled for the desired roles and post types.

If it still doesn’t work, maybe there is some kind of conflict with other plugins: feel free to write in the forum and we’ll try to discover a solution (it will be really helpful if you try to deactivate all your other plugins one by one to see which one conflicts with mine… But do it only if you know what you’re doing, I will not be responsible of any problem you may experience).

O plugin non está traducido no meu idioma!

From version 3.0 the plugin’s translations are managed by the WordPress.org platform and the plugin is shipped without language files, so first of all update translations under Dashboard->Updates.

If Duplicate Post is still in English, or if there are some untranslated strings, you can help translating to your language: you only need a WordPress.org account.


31 de Maio, 2023
So easy to use any page as template. Or use it to update pages in background before going live. Just don’t forget to update the menu links to the new page, and make the old page private.
29 de Marzo, 2023
Esta herramienta es genial y es un básico a tener. De lo más mejor que tiene es su simplez y sencillez, además de la opción de re-escribir (es lo que hace que la elija por encima de otras) Un unico punto que le añadiría sería la opción de poder hacer más de una copia a la vez, poder seleccionar a la hora de hacer copy el número de veces que quiero que me la copie
18 de Outubro, 2022
Yoast Duplicate Post is a great plugin that does exactly what it says it will do. It copies posts and pages, making it an easy way to create multiple versions of the same content. However, when Yoast bought the plugin, they made some unwelcome changes. The name of the plugin is now Yoast Duplicate Post, which just by seeing the word Yoast there, makes it seem like you have to pay for the plugin in order to use it. At first a little and then without notice a 500% price increase just like Yoast SEO Premium… This isn’t the case, as the free version still works perfectly well, but it’s a bit irritating that they’ve changed the name in such a way. Aside from this small issue, Yoast Duplicate Post is still a great plugin and works as expected.
12 de Outubro, 2022
When I tried to update one page on my site, I kept getting a ‘500 internal server error’ message. I tried disabling all my plugins, checking the .htaccess file and resetting the PHP memory limit. My hosting team could find nothing amiss and had no suggestions. As a long shot, I cloned the page with Yoast Duplicate Post and binned the original. Hey presto! Problem solved. One of the most useful and used plugins in my arsenal. Thanks guys.
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Colaboradores e desenvolvedores

“Yoast Duplicate Post” é un software de código aberto. As seguintes persoas colaboraron con este plugin.


“Yoast Duplicate Post” foi traducido a 51 idiomas. Grazas aos desenvolvedores polas súas contribucións.

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Rexistro de cambios


Data de lanzamento: 28 de xuño de 2022


  • Mellora o impacto do plugin no rendemento do sitio evitando chamadas inútiles ao filtro gettext.

Correccións de erros:

  • Corrixe un erro no que se amosaba unha sección da caixa de envío do Editor clásico con marxes incorrectas.


  • Establece a versión probada de WordPress na 6.0.


Data de lanzamento: 25 de xaneiro de 2022


  • Converte o aviso de actualización nun aviso de benvida para os usuarios por primeira vez.

Correccións de erros:

  • Corrixe un erro no que as etiquetas HTML nun bloque HTML personalizado se eliminarían ao volver publicar unha reescritura programada & Volver a publicar a copia.
  • Corrixe un erro no que o estilo do botón se rompería no Editor clásico.
  • Corrixe un erro no que se desencadeaba un erro fatal na páxina Widgets en combinación con algúns temas ou complementos.


  • Establece a versión probada de WordPress na 5.9.

Earlier versions

For the changelog of earlier versions, please refer to the changelog on yoast.com.