
Plugin Directory

Desactivar as actualizacións para o núcleo de WordPress, os plugins e os temas.

Desactivar as actualizacións para o núcleo de WordPress, os plugins e os temas.


This plugin disables all WordPress updates (core, plugins and themes). This can be useful if you have multiple environments such as a live and staging server and you don’t want your users to use the update functionality.

This plugin not only disables the update mechanism for the core, plugins and themes, but it also removes the update menu item from the left navigation menu in the admin dashboard.


  • WordPress dashboard before activating the plugin.
  • After activating the plugin all update notices are disabled.


  1. Unzip the zip file and upload the folder to the wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  2. Active o complemento a través do menú ‘Complementos’ en WordPress.

Preguntas frecuentes

I am not sure what this plugin does, should I be using it?

No, keeping WordPress up-to-date is very important for security reasons. You should only disable WordPress updates if you keep your system up to date using another mechanism such as a staging server or svn.

Can I submit a feature request or bug report?

Yes, please use the support forum to report any issues you may have. You can submit code suggestions in the GitHub repository.


15 de Decembro, 2024
This plugin does what is says but it doesn’t give any choosing option at all. I don’t want to disable updates for all plugins. Found this plugin which provides more flexibility disabling core, updates, and as well gives options to choose for blocking specific plugin updates.https://wordpress.org/plugins/disable-email-notification-for-auto-updates/
30 de Agosto, 2023
This is absolutely fantastic, whoever made this deserves to be paid!!
14 de Xaneiro, 2021
Just wondering why this Dimond doesn’t have even a single review. Love it 🙂
Ler todas as 3 opinións

Colaboradores e desenvolvedores

“Desactivar as actualizacións para o núcleo de WordPress, os plugins e os temas.” é un software de código aberto. As seguintes persoas colaboraron con este plugin.


“Desactivar as actualizacións para o núcleo de WordPress, os plugins e os temas.” foi traducido a 18 idiomas. Grazas aos desenvolvedores polas súas contribucións.

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Interesado no desenvolvemento?

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Rexistro de cambios


WP 6.7 compatibility tested


WP 6.6 compatibility tested


WP 6.5 compatibility tested


WP 6.4 compatibility tested


Using add_filter ( 'pre_site_transient_update_core', '__return_null' ); slowed down the admin dashboard because it invalidated the transient. Added du_last_checked function to fake last update check which tricks WordPress into thinking the check has happened and nothing needs to be updated.


Changed minimum WordPress version to 4.6


Corrected translation filenames


Disable update health check


Added translation support


WordPress 6.3 compatibility tested


WordPress 5.8 compatibility tested


PHP 7.2 compatibility update


Added automatic_updater_disabled filter


Initial release