Este plugin non se actualizou en máis de 2 anos. É posible que xa non sexa compatible ou mantido por ninguén, ou podes ter problemas de compatibilidade cando se usa con novas versións de WordPress.

Classic Text Widget


Brings back the classic WordPress text widget without TinyMCE. This is based on the code from WordPress Ver. 4.7.5

Functionality is exactly the same as the pre-version 4.8 text widget. Additional default functionality includes shortcode execution and custom class filter.

Note: This widget uses PHP namespaces to prevent conflicts with other widgets of a similar nature. PHP namespaces are only supported in PHP Version 5.3.0 and higher. If your site uses a PHP version earlier than 5.3.0, do not install this widget unless your PHP version is upgraded first.


  • Classic Text Widget on WordPress Admin Appearance/Widgets menu
  • Classic Text Widget added to Primary Sidebar


  1. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress

Preguntas frecuentes

Do the original text widget filters work with the Classic Text Widget?

Yes and no. Filters that apply to the widget title remain the same to maintain compatibility across WordPress. Filters that apply to to the widget’s content now use add_filter(‘classic_widget_text’, ‘my_function’)

Does the plugin support shortcodes?

Yes, out of the box. To disable shortcode support, add remove_filter( ‘classic_widget_text’, ‘do_shortcode’ ) to your theme’s function file.

Does the plugin directly execute PHP?

No, it does not directly support executing PHP. The widget does support shortcodes however. If you want to execute PHP in this widget, write your code as a shortcode and it will run.

I have a lot of text widgets on my site, is there a way to bulk transfer the content from the new WordPress text widget and place it into the Classic Text Widget?

Yes, but you have to be very careful and do it with SQL. See this post for details about how to bulk replace.


12 de Setembro, 2017
The default text widget broke my shortcodes. Thanks for providing an easily solution!
20 de Xullo, 2017
I was about to make this exact plugin. Thank you for putting this together. Works perfectly!
15 de Xullo, 2017
This bug in WP core and then this fix encompases all that is bad and all that is good about WP.
3 de Xullo, 2017
Cheers for the plugin. As much as I like visual editor functionality brought to widgets in WP 4.8, we DO need that classic functionality as well! Hope they will fix it one way or another in some WP 4.8.1 or something… So again, big thanks for the plugin!
Ler todas as 15 opinións

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Rexistro de cambios


Bumped “Tested up to” tag


Added filter so you can provide your own custom class for the widget. If you choose not to create your own class, the default secondary class is custom-classic-textwidget.


add_filter( ‘classic_text_widget_class’, ‘my_classic_text_widget_class’ );
function my_classic_text_widget_class( $class ) {
return ‘my_classic_text_widget_class’;


  • Initial commit based on WordPress 4.7.5 Text Widget and plugin conversion by carasmo
  • Restores the pre 4.8 Classic WordPress text widget just like the good old days.