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Skeleton FSE

Skeleton FSE

Variacións do estilo (5)

  • Versión 1.5
  • Última actualización Xaneiro 3, 2025
  • Instalacións activas 200+
  • Versión de WordPress 5.0
  • Versión de PHP 7.4

Skeleton FSE is a flexible and scalable site editor and gutenberg block patters and style variation WordPress theme. It can have limitless possibilities due to its features. Easy to use with default editor and create as many pages quickly as you need. Applicable for all types of industries and is a multipurpose template. Responsive, mobile friendly and WordPress 6.4 ready. Adjust colors, typography and a lot more using the default site editor. Compatible with cache plugins for faster website experience and Google page speed rankings. SEO plugins, translation plugins also compatible. WooCommerce compatible for eCommerce shop options. Documentation: https://www.sktthemesdemo.net/documentation/skeleton-fse-doc/


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