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Furniture Hub

Furniture Hub

Variacións do estilo (2)

Este é un tema fillo de Furnishop.

  • Versión 1.0.0
  • Última actualización Marzo 1, 2024
  • Instalacións activas 100+
  • Versión de WordPress 5.9
  • Versión de PHP 7.4

Furniture Hub offers an array of WooCommerce features seamlessly integrated with full-site editing options using Gutenberg blocks. Enjoy enhanced e-commerce functionalities such as product categorization, sorting, and filtering, alongside customizable elements like headers, banners, carousels, call-to-action buttons, product listings, browsing options, newsletters, cart functionalities, quick view features, footers, and more. This block-based theme ensures easy customization and responsiveness across all devices. Explore the live demo here: https://demos.eaglevisionit.com/furniture-hub/


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Instalacións activas: 100+


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Este tema está dispoñible nos seguintes idiomas: English (US).

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