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WP Webhooks – Email integration


This plugin extends the possibilities of WP Webhooks & Pro by integrating emails with an extended webhook functionality.
For a full list of the features, please check down below:


  • Fire a webhook once an email is sent
  • Send an email on your WordPress system via webhooks
  • Support for certain tags like CC, BCC, FROM, REPLY-TO and more
  • Support for attachments
  • Support for HTML content

See plugin web view

For devs

Feel free to message us in case you want special features – We love to help!



  1. Upload the zip file to your WordPress site (Plugins > Add New > Upload)
  2. Activate the plugin
  3. Go to Settings > WP Webhooks Pro -> Settings
  4. Scroll down, activate the specified trigger or action and click Save
  5. Go to “Send Data” and start implementing the webhook


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Rexistro de cambios

1.1.0: May 02, 2021

  • Feature: Full compatibility with all new standards of WP Webhooks 3.1.0 and WP Webhooks 4.1.0
  • Tweak: Remove unnecessary variable output
  • Tweak optimize descriptions and performance for trigger callbacks
  • Dev: Webhook trigger responses are now accessible using the webhook url name

1.0.1: December 20, 2020

  • Fix: The send_to argument did not work correctly due to a wrongly assigned argument key

1.0.0: July 07, 2020

  • Birthday of WP Webhooks – Email integration