Este plugin non se actualizou en máis de 2 anos. É posible que xa non sexa compatible ou mantido por ninguén, ou podes ter problemas de compatibilidade cando se usa con novas versións de WordPress.



Wikilookup allows you to easily add popups and info cards from Wikipedia (and other wikis) to your posts.


  • Easily mark words and terms in your posts to pop information from Wikipedia articles
  • Easily add a stylized card in your post and pages that displays information from Wikipedia article
  • Pull from multiple language Wikipedias and dictate the default language for your blog content
  • Pull information from other wikis easily, like specialized wikis and game wikis
  • Robust settings allowing you to control the text and general behavior of the popups and cards
  • Support displaying content in Right to Left languages


This plugin offers two pieces: a popup, and a ‘card’, or a static poster, from Wikipedia or other wikis that operate on MediaWiki software.

Adding popups

To add a popup, while editing a post, surround your text with [wikipopup] shortcode. You can reference a language or a different source, if you’ve set one up.

For example:
[wikipopup]WordPress[/wikipopup] – Displays a popup from English Wikipedia about the article “WordPress”
[wikipopup title="WordPress"]This is some text[/wikipopup] – Displays a popup from English Wikipedia about the article “WordPress”, while the trigger text is ‘This is some text’
[wikipopup title="WordPress" source="ext"]This is some text[/wikipopup] – Displays a popup from the external source you’ve defined as “ext”, about the article “WordPress”, while the trigger text is ‘This is some text’

You can define sources in “Settings -> Wikilookup -> External wikis”.

Adding cards

To add a card, while editing a post, add a line with [wikicard title="term"]. You can reference a language or a different source, if you’ve set one up.

For example:
[wikicard title="WordPress"] – Displays a static card from English Wikipedia about the article “WordPress”.
[wikicard title="WordPress" lang="es"] – Displays a static card from Spanish Wikipedia about the article “WordPress”.
[wikicard title="WordPress" source="ext"] – Displays a static card from the external source you’ve defined as “ext”, about the article “WordPress”.

You can define sources in “Settings -> Wikilookup -> External wikis”.


You can find the settings page in your Dashboard -> Wikilookup.


  • This plugin is available in English
  • התוסף זמין בשפה העברית

Translate this plugin

This plugin is community translated. Please help translate it!

The base translation file is languages/wikilookup.pot and the textdomain is wikilookup.


The code for this plugin is available on github for development. Please feel free to participate!


  • Popup view in Twenty Nineteen theme
  • Card view in Twenty Nineteen theme
  • Wikilookup general settings
  • Wikilookup display settings
  • Wikilookup external sources settings
  • Wikilookup shortcodes in the editor


Este plugin proporciona 1 bloque.

  • Add a Wikilookup Card


This plugin was developed for and tested on WordPress 5.0 and above.

Automatic installation

  • Go to your Dashboard
  • Click on Plugins -> Add new
  • Search for “Wikilookup”
  • Click on “Install now”
  • Click on “activate”

The plugin works out-of-the-box with the given shortcodes [wikipopup]term[/wikipopup] and [wikicard title="term"].
Please visit the plugin settings for more display options, and to set up any external sources you may want.

Manual installation

For manual installation, download the plugin and upload it to your site. See instructions on how to manually install a plugin here.


Automatic updates should always work. However, as always, please ensure you backup your site, just in case.


31 de Maio, 2022
smartly executed; works as advertized. Big advantage that the wikicards can also be used directly in posts / pages. After toying with several plugins to pull summaries from Wikipedia, this is currently the one I’ll stick with. wish list: under display settings, make the text bits “See article for copyright information” and “Support Wikipedia” translatable as well introduce option to either load entire summary block of Wikipedia entry or load first {n} words of summary block of Wikipedia entry Thank you very much for this fine little helper 🙂 (y)
14 de Febreiro, 2020
Works as advertised. Shows really nice cards in the posts. Enhancements would be: autocomplete on existing topics in the wiki when configuring a block in the block editor.
30 de Xullo, 2019
This plugin does what it says on the box. It works well, supports multiple languages and bidirectionality correctly, and was written by an engineer working for the Wikimedia Foundation itself!
29 de Xullo, 2019 1 resposta
This plugin is really awesome. I really don’t know why still there are no more installations, but I believe this will change very soon. Keep up the good work 😉
Ler todas as 5 opinións

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