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If you wan’t to show your products & domains price from WHMCS script in wordpress, you can use this plugin !

100% FREE And Open Source !

Dynamic way for extracting product & domain price from WHMCS for use on the pages of your website!

Plugin features:
* Extract product price.
* Extract domain price.
* Use this plugin to Show price in posts and pages.
* Use this plugin to Show price in theme.

Persian Document

Product Pricing

This is shortcode for extract product price:

[whmcs pid="1" bc="1m"]
  1. Change pid value in shortcode with your Product ID.
  2. Change bc value in shortcode with your BillingCycle Product. BillingCycles are :

    Monthly (1 Month) : bc=”1m”
    Quarterly (3 Month) : bc=”3m”
    Semiannually (6 Month) : bc=”6m”
    Annually (1 Year) : bc=”1y”
    Biennially (2 Year) : bc=”2y”
    Triennially (3 Year) : bc=”3y”

Domain Pricing

This is shortcode for extract domain price:

[whmcs tld="com" type="register" reg="1y"]
  1. Change tld value in shortcode with your Domain TLD (com, org, net, …).
  2. Change type value in shortcode with register, renew, transfer .
  3. Change reg value in shortcode with your Register Period of TLD. Registers Period are :

    Annually (1 Year) : reg=”1y”
    Biennially (2 Year) : reg=”2y”
    Triennially (3 Year) : reg=”3y”


You can read complete english documentations on setting plugin page and persian documentations on


  • /assets/screenshot-1.jpg
  • /assets/screenshot-2.jpg
  • /assets/screenshot-2.jpg
  • /assets/screenshot-3.jpg


  1. Upload whmcs_price folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  3. Go to Settings > WHMCS Price Options and save WHMCS URL.

Preguntas frecuentes

Installation Instructions
  1. Upload whmcs_price folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  3. Go to Settings > WHMCS Price Options and save WHMCS URL.


7 de Abril, 2024
when you update the plugin to work with the latest php and wordpress this works very make it work with php 8.2 and latest wordpress version please look at the support section of this plugin and see the comment Update the Plugin
11 de Agosto, 2018
This is a free and best plugin for extract price from whmcs to wordpress!
Ler a 1 opinión

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