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Samohyb GoodAccess


This plugin hides your WordPress administration side of the public internet but makes it accessible from any location with GoodAccess App.

Thank you!

Thank you for your interest!


  • Settings – Protection is enabled
  • Settings – Protection is disabled


  1. Upload Samohyb GoodAccess files to the “/wp-content/plugins/samohyb-good-access” directory, or install Samohyb GoodAccess through the WordPress Plugins page directly.
  2. Activate Samohyb GoodAccess through the WordPress Plugins page.
  3. Use the menu Settings => GoodAccess to configure Samohyb GoodAccess.

How to disable this plugin?

Just use standard Plugin overview page in WordPress admin section and deactivate it or rename plugin folder /wp-content/plugins/samohyb-good-access over FTP access.


6 de Abril, 2021
Works out of the box. Simply instal the plugin, add the GoodAccess IP, connect to the app and you are ready to go. I can also manage multiple clients under one GoodAccess account. That absolutely briliant!
Ler a 1 opinión

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Rexistro de cambios


  • New: Samohyb GoodAccess has been released!