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Restrict File Access


Schütze hochgeladene Dateien vor unbefugtem Zugriff.
This plugin is currently only available in German.


  • Dateiverwaltung
  • Einstellungen


  1. Upload the entire restrict-file-access folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.

or install it via ‘Upload plugins’ on the plugin page of your website.

After the plugin is activated you can see a new submenu named “Geschützte Dateien” in the media category.


1 de Marzo, 2023
Nice find! Can be the plugin I have been searching for long time. Restricts files from direct download via file path by .htaccess. Makes files accessible by paramter url for logged in users user roles can be deffined Works with WP 6.1.1 and PHP 8.1 works with custom user roles Only Feature that is missing for me is the abbility to have multiple “Folders” with different user settings I’ll keep testing.
23 de Maio, 2019
I searched for a tool to regulate access to PDF files. This plugin is easy to handle and the author answers very quickly to questions. Thank you
Ler todas as 3 opinións

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Rexistro de cambios

For more information, have a look at the GitHub project.


  • stable release of the plugin


  • improved integration


  • Settings options added
  • Error pages can be changed
  • Redirect if file cannot or may not be displayed
  • User groups can be allowed or blocked


  • fixed error that occurred on update


  • redirection to files should be set again after an update happend without accessing the admin dashboard
  • functionality to upload multiple files at once