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Post Title Furigana


Automatically set Japanese Reading title into the custom field.


  • When you enter the post title and move the focus, Automatically set Japanese Reading into the custom field.
  • It does not do anything if there is a Japanese Reading already.
  • Japanese Reading saved in the custom field named ‘ptf_furigana’.
  • You can also edit Japanese Reading later.


  1. Go to “Post Title Furigana” Settings.
  2. It uses text analysis Web API which Yahoo! JAPAN offers. Please Enter Your Application ID.
    What the Application ID?
  3. Select the posttype you want use the plugin.
  4. When you enter the post title and move the focus, Automatically set Japanese Reading into the custom field.
  5. It does not do anything if there is a Japanese Reading already.
  6. Japanese Reading saved in the custom field named ‘ptf_furigana’.
  7. You can also edit Japanese Reading later.


TORIYAMA Yuko at sysbird

More Information

Description for Japanese


  • Settings
  • Enter the post title


  1. Upload the “Post Title Furigana” folder to the plugins directory in your WordPress installation.
  2. Go to plugins list and activate “Post Title Furigana”.


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