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Get Posts


This plugin adds the ability to put a shortcode tag in any static page or post and have it display a list of posts using the get_posts template tag. For more detailed information about this plugin, please check out its home page.

By default it will show the 5 most recent posts ordered in reverse date order,
but it will accept any of the options provided by the get_posts template tag.

To use it, just put the following into the HTML of any page or post, use as many times as you like on the same page:


This default usage will return the last 5 posts in reverse chronological order.
Along with all the options provided by the get_posts template tag, it will also
accept a few additional options:

  • ul_class. This is the class assigned to the bullet list, with a default of “get_posts_class”.

  • fields. This is a comma separated list of fields to show, taken right from the wp_posts database table fields. Some of the more interesting fields you can use in this list include post_title, post_date, and post_excerpt (you’ll find more in the table description referenced above). The default is “post_title”. In addition to standard fields, you can also use “post_featured_image” here to pull the corresponding featured image, or “custom_text” to add your own text.

  • fields_classes. Another comma separated list that lets you assign a class to each of the fields specified above, which will be provided via a tag wrapped around the field. The default value for this list is “post_title_class”.

  • fields_make_link. One more comma separated list that lets you choose which of your fields are links to the post. It is a list of either “true” or “false” values … values of “true” make the corresponding field a link. The default is “true”.

  • post_featured_image_size. Defaults to “thumbnail” but can also be “medium”, “large” and “full” (the size of the image you uploaded).

  • custom_text_value. If you choose “custom_text” as one of the fields to display, this is what will be displayed.

A couple of examples:

[get_posts tag="my favorite tag" numberposts=5 orderby="title]

Shows a bulleted list consisting of the titles of 5 posts with the tag “my favorite tag” ordered by title.

[get_posts tag="my favorite tag" fields="post_title, post_date, post_excerpt, post_featured_image, custom_text" fields_classes="class1, class2, class3, class4, class5" fields_make_link="true, false, false, false, true", custom_text_value="Read More"]

Shows a bulleted list consisting of the titles, post dates, and excerpts of posts with the tag “my favorite tag”. The title will be wrapped in a tag with a class of “class1”, the date with a of class “class2”, and the excerpt with “class3”. Only the title will provide a link to the post. Also shows the post’s featured image (in thumbnail size) and “Read More”.

Check the get_posts template tag documentation for all of the possible options associated with the tag, and the wp_posts database table fields for all possible field names.


  1. Upload the plugin to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory and unzip it.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
  3. Place [get_posts] in your pages. Check the plugin homepage for detailed options and more complex uses.

Preguntas frecuentes

Check the plugin homepage


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Rexistro de cambios


  • Added featured_image and custom_text field options
  • Tested in WP 3.8


  • Update readme and copyright


  • Tested with WP 3.7


  • Tested with WP 3.0.1


  • Added the fields, fields_classes, and fields_make_link attributes.


  • Initial release.