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LH Buddypress Export Xprofile Data


As BuddyPress powers communities large and small, certain types of site require member profile data to be viewed across multiple users, rather than one member at a time. In other words, wide and thin, instead of narrow and deep.

For my own purposes and have republished in in the repository. I find it very useful!!

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  1. Upload the entire lh-buddypress-export-xprofile-data folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
  3. Navigate to Users->Export Xprofile Data Users and use the form

Preguntas frecuentes

What is something does not work?

LH Buddypress Export Xprofile Data, and all plugins are made to WordPress standards. Therefore they should work with all well coded plugins and themes. However not all plugins and themes are well coded (and this includes many popular ones).

If something does not work properly, firstly deactivate ALL other plugins and switch to one of the themes that come with core, e.g. twentyfifteen, twentysixteen etc.

If the problem persists please leave a post in the support forum: I look there regularly and resolve most queries.

What if I need a feature that is not in the plugin?

Please contact me for custom work and enhancements here:


27 de Outubro, 2021
Thanks for this great plugins, work very well and easy. Best regards.
10 de Setembro, 2020
Straightforward plugin that makes it so simple and easy to extract the xprofile data from Buddy Press.
11 de Agosto, 2019 2 respostas
Exporting Buddypress fields can be a real pain, but with this, it only just takes a few clicks. There was another plugin called Export User Data that had an extra feature where you would choose the date from which to export. Such a feature on this plugin would make it perfect
Ler todas as 4 opinións

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Rexistro de cambios

1.00 May 02, 2019
Initial release.

2.00 November 20, 2020
Reorganised code and minor bug fix.