

Este plugin pechouse desde o 7 de Xaneiro, 2025 e non está dispoñible para descargar. Este peche é temporal, pendente dunha revisión completa.


23 de Maio, 2017
Obviously, I’m involved (Enricher, though a separate company, is using our icons). Though I appreciate the idea, most of the realization, and I’m excited to see the plugin maturing.
15 de Maio, 2017 1 resposta
This plugin is very simple in use and it makes the work with icons more comfortable. I enjoy with it!
15 de Maio, 2017 1 resposta
Works great. The icon searching is both simple and effective: I found all icons I need and it took very little time. There are many options to setup icons representation. This plugin has optimization for traffic both for editor and for site visitors. Plugin is based on Vue JavaScript library, small and fast.
14 de Maio, 2017 1 resposta
I often make landings and write commercial posts. The “bare” text is boring. I wanted to vary the content with graphics and icons. Icons Enricher is the thing! It contains a wide variety of icons, category subdividing and opportunity to change the color and the size of icons. Great! Thanks the author.
14 de Maio, 2017 1 resposta
Very handy tool for my site. Very much helped me with my interface.
14 de Maio, 2017 1 resposta
An excellent solution for those who make a project that needs icons under a single style. Installing a couple of clicks an intuitive interface. A huge selection of themed icons. In general I recommend. Plus is conditionally free
Ler todas as 8 opinións

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