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GP Project Contributors


A plugin for GlotPress as a WordPress plugin that creates a formatted list of contributors to a GlotPress project as a shortcode.

There are two shortcodes available:
* gp-project-contributors – creates a table of contributors per locale.
* gp-project-contributors-translators – creates a table of contributors and string counts per locale.

Each short code can take one of three options:
* name – the name of the project to generate stats for.
* slug – the slug of the project to generate stats for.
* id = the id of the project to generate stats for.

At least one of these must be provided.

For example, if you have a project with a slug of ‘glotpress’, then the following short code would be used:

[gp-project-contributors slug=glotpress]


  • Release date: March 31, 2024
  • Added gp-project-contributors-translators shortcode, thanks Chris Gårdenberg


  • Release date: March 18, 2016
  • Documentation updates and official release.


  • Release date: December 31, 2015
  • Initial release.


Install from the WordPress plugin directory.

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