Este plugin non se actualizou en máis de 2 anos. É posible que xa non sexa compatible ou mantido por ninguén, ou podes ter problemas de compatibilidade cando se usa con novas versións de WordPress.

Full screen background


Full screen background image for your blog or site. Very simple and small. Uses jQuery and CSS.


This section describes how to install the plugin and get it working.


  1. Upload fullbg.php to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  3. You can easily change the url of the image that is used as background.

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Rexistro de cambios


  • sometimes initial load of the page, doesn’t resize the background: added timeout that triggers this with a slight delay.


  • Don’t use $, instead use jQuery directly.


  • Make the plugin dependency on jQuery more robust.
    it now first checks if jQuery is already on the page, and otherwise imports it.


  • Minor bug fixes


  • First stable version