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Fetch Tweets – Hashtag Cloud


This is a Fetch Tweets template that creates a hashtag cloud from the fetched tweets.

It can be displayed as a list.


In order to use this template, Fetch Tweets needs to be installed and activated.


  • Hashtag Cloud
  • Hashtag List
  • Setting Page



  1. Install the template plugin – this template comes as a WordPress plugin. You just upload the zip file you downloaded via Dashboad -> Plugins -> Add New -> Upload. And activate the plugin This will install the template.
  2. Activate the template after install – Go to Fetch Tweets -> Templates -> Installed Templates. You should see a template named “Hashtag Colud.” Click on the Activate link to activate the template.


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Rexistro de cambios – 04/28/2014

Fixed a bug that caused a PHP fatal error in Linux/Unix servers.

1.0.2 – 03/18/2014

Supported Fetch Tweets v2. – 12/12/2013

Fixed a layout issue in the setting page with the main plugin Fetch Tweets version or above. – 11/17/2013

Fixed some descriptions in the setting page.

1.0.1 – 11/12/2013

Added the Title Attribute option.
Added the Required Number of Users option.
Added the Required Number of Tweets option.
Fixed a minor but that caused undefined index warning when no hashtags are found.


Initial release.