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Discord Display


Provides a simple native widget for displaying your Discord server

Follow this plugin on GitHub


  1. Activate the plugin
  2. Add and configure the widget
  3. Profit!

Preguntas frecuentes

Installation Instructions
  1. Activate the plugin
  2. Add and configure the widget
  3. Profit!
None yet!


7 de Abril, 2022
It’s amazing how a dedicated wordpress widget can look worse than the official iframe widget. No color, no button, just a list of your channels, non clickable, no way to use it directly. Perfectly useless in this version.
5 de Xullo, 2020
I have checked multiple times to check I have done everything right. But it just doesn’t work, it works to click connect and it sends me to the right discord but it says 0 online and it doesn’t update. This plugin is broken. If this gets fixed then I’m going to update my review.
Ler todas as 2 opinións

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Rexistro de cambios

1.0.1, 10/28/2017

  • Add channel list

1.0.0, 11/25/2015

  • First offical release!