Este plugin non se actualizou en máis de 2 anos. É posible que xa non sexa compatible ou mantido por ninguén, ou podes ter problemas de compatibilidade cando se usa con novas versións de WordPress.

Customize Checkout and Buttons for WooCommerce


An easy way to Customize WooCommerce plugin generated pages and contents. Disable unwanted checkout feelds, free checkout customization and change WooCommerce button names.


This section describes how to install the plugin and get it working.


  1. Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/plugin-name directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ screen in WordPress
  3. Use the Settings in Customizer for WooCommerce to configure the plugin

  4. Disable billing fields :- You can disable unwanted billing fields by checking the relevent fields in Billing tab

  5. Disable billing fields for free products :- Check, Remove Checkout fields for Free products fields in Free Options tab
  6. Rember to save settings after modification of settings page

Preguntas frecuentes

  1. How to use:-

Use the Settings in Customizer for WooCommerce to configure the plugin

  1. Disable billing fields :-

You can disable unwanted billing fields by checking the relevent fields in Billing tab

  1. Disable billing fields for free products :-

Check, Remove Checkout fields for Free products fields in Free Options tab


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Colaboradores e desenvolvedores

“Customize Checkout and Buttons for WooCommerce” é un software de código aberto. As seguintes persoas colaboraron con este plugin.


Rexistro de cambios

  • 1.0.1
  • Initial version