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Custom links in Elementor Image Carousel


There is a WordPress limitation (no custom link on images) that makes impossible to add custom links on each image in an image carousel or image gallery like the one in Elementor free version.

This plugin just overrides WordPress attachment fields and Elementor Image Carousel widget to let you add custom links to each image in the carousel.
Basically, it adds two custom fields to each image in WordPress Media Library (Custom link and “Open in new tab?” checkbox).
Then it hooks into elementor image carousel widget just before it’s rendered on frontend.

Usage & Documentation

No options, no premium version, no bullshit. Just activate or deactivate.

Note: You have to enable the option “Link” in the Elementor Image Carousel widget and set it to: “Media Files” in order for it to work.



  • Custom fields on images in Media Library


  1. Install this plugin either via the plugin directory, or by uploading the files to your server.
  2. Activate the plugin.
  3. That’s it. You’re ready to go! Please, refer to the Usage & Documentation section for examples and how-to information.

Preguntas frecuentes

Is this plugin completely free?


Can I use this plugin for commercial purposes?

Sure, go ahead! It is completely open source.


25 de Outubro, 2023
Does what it says. Nice and simple. Fills a significant gap in Elementor’s image carousel.
18 de Xullo, 2023
This plugin is really amazing. Just does exactly what it says on the tin. If you are puzzled why the links don’t work on the front end, check first you have selected the link in the carousel to be “Media File” and that you have added the links to each image in your media library. Tested and working on 6.2.2.
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Rexistro de cambios


  • Fix fatal errors in some edge cases


  • Move to Singleton pattern to let other developpers unhook actions or filters


  • Fixes “Open in new tab” option. It’s now possible to uncheck this setting
  • Improve docs