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Ultimate Custom Add To Cart Button (Ajax) For WooCommerce by Binary Carpenter


Ultimate Custom Add To Cart Button For WooCommerce let you fully customize the add to cart button on your WooCommerce store.

Why do you need a Custom Add To Cart Button Plugin?

Add to cart button is one of the most important element of any store. However, WooCommerce allows little customization by default to this element. A well designed add to cart button can help you sky-rocketed your sales.
Thus, Ultimate Custom Add To Cart Button For WooCommerce is the tool to help you create world-class button to boost your sales through the roof.

Ultimate Add To Cart Buttons Plugin For WooCommerce In Action

What are the features of Ultimate Custom Add To Cart Button For WooCommerce

  • Customize button text on simple products
  • Enable add to cart button using ajax (no loading)
  • Customize button text on variable products
  • Customize button text on grouped product
  • Change button’s background color
  • Customize your button’s border radius
  • Completely change the style of the quantity box, remove the arrows on number input, add plus and minus buttons to the left and right of the quantity input box
  • Change button’s on hover background color
  • Use gradient as your add to cart button background Pro version only
  • Use gradient as your button hover state Pro version only
  • Use image as add to cart button Pro version only
  • Insert add and minus icon around the quantity box Pro version only
  • Create your own styles Pro version only, coming soon
  • Customize button’s size (width, height…)
  • Add cart icons to your add to cart button
  • Works with all themes
  • Comes with pre-built add to cart button from Amazon, Lazada and shopee

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  • Use cart icon, loading icon and add icon on add to cart button
  • Use image for cart icon, loading icon and added to cart cart icon


  • Upload the extracted folder of the plugin to /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  • Activate the plugin in your WordPress dashboard


4 de Xaneiro, 2022
Looked promising but NO buttons show up on my shop page no matter what plugin settings I try. I have a heavily modified Twenty Twenty child theme running lots of different plugins and no time to troubleshoot this by disabling plugins one-by-one.
25 de Xuño, 2021
Danach hatte ich lange gesucht und bin hier endlich fündig geworden. Das Plugin bietet alle erdenklichen Möglichkeiten, den “In den Warenkorb” zu gestalten. Das Highlight sind die Warte- und Erledigt-Animationen. Auch der Support ist super, erst hatte ich ein Darstellungsproblem, der Entwickler hat es in kurzer Zeit gelöst. Besser geht es nicht! I had been looking for it for a long time and finally found it here. The plugin offers all imaginable possibilities to design the “Add to Cart”. The highlight are the waiting and done animations. Also the support is great, first I had a display problem, the developer solved it in a short time. It doesn’t get any better than this!
24 de Xullo, 2020
After hours of trying different solutions, this was by far the easiest way to deal with the button formatting
22 de Xuño, 2019 2 respostas
The plugin works fine on product pages, I have a theme that displays add to cart buttons on category pages and this plugin does not override that. Overall I am happy. The font on the admin page of the plugin is very tiny and hard to read sometimes.
25 de Maio, 2019 1 resposta
It’s currently not tested for the version of WordPress I have installed, whether thats the issue or not I don’t know. But I fiddled around with this and it made absolutely no changes what so ever.
Ler todas as 6 opinións

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