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Admin Collapse Subpages


Simple plugin that allows you to collapse subpages in the Pages admin list also for custom post types that are heirarchial. Especially helpful if you have a ton of pages /cpt’s with heiararchial set to true. It uses a cookie to save the expand/collapse status of your pages.

This is loosely based on Collapse Sub-Pages by Dan Dietz, which broke with the 3.0 upgrade due to UI changes and hasn’t been updated. I’ve had to rewrite the jQuery to make it work with 3.x versions.

Because this is a jQuery, it’s possible that they could make additional changes that would break it. I’ll do my best to stay on top of it, but let me know if it stops working.

Plugin in your Language

From version 2.3 our plugin supports internationalization, which means you can have plugin in your specified language.

It’s currently available in US English ,UK English, Chinese, Telugu , Serbian.

Support us by Translating

Go here and translate into your language.

Special Thanks

We specially thank Borisa Djuraskovic for translating this plugin in Serbian Language.

What’s new in Version 2.0 ?

1)Fix en-queuing of scripts .
2)Expand all , Collapse all links appear only on the pages list not on every list (like plugins ,posts etc.,)
3)Updated jQuery.cookie.js to 1.4.0


  • Example Edit Page menu.
  • Same menu with a group of subpages minimized.
  • Same menu completely minimized.
  • Expand/collapse all buttons at the top of the page.


  1. Download, unzip, and upload the ‘admin-collapse-subpages’ folder along with all its files to the ‘/wp-content/plugins/” directory.
  2. Active o complemento a través do menú ‘Complementos’ en WordPress.
  3. Visit your Pages admin page and notice the lovely +/- buttons.

Preguntas frecuentes

Why is there a delay after I use “Quick Edit”?

The WordPress Quick Edit functionality is a little buggy in my opinion. To make a long story short, this delay is so that WordPress can complete the edit(and any possible parent changes) before refreshing the expand/collapse status.
I’d recommend not using Quick Edit to change parent/child pages at all. It often doesn’t refresh any changed rows properly.


18 de Abril, 2024
Works without any issues for me in WordPress 6.4.4 I added some custom backend CSS (via the Code Snippets plugin) to style it with the eye/visibility icons and semi opaque descriptions for a more intuitive user-experience: add_action(‘admin_head’, ‘custom_admin_css’); function custom_admin_css() { echo ‘<style> /*——-/ Plugin: Admin Collapse Subpages /——-*/ body.wp-admin .column-primary .expand_link a:before {content: “\f530”; opacity: 0.85;} body.wp-admin .column-primary .expand_link a.minus:before {content: “\f177”; opacity: 0.3;} body.wp-admin .column-primary .expand_link a:after { content: “Subpages hidden”; position: absolute; font-family: sans-serif; font-size: 10px; height: 12px; opacity: 0.85; margin: 3px 0 0 5px;} body.wp-admin .column-primary .expand_link a.minus:after {content: “Click to hide subpages”; opacity: 0.3;} body.wp-admin .column-primary .expand_link a:hover:before,body.wp-admin .column-primary .expand_link a:hover:after {opacity: 1;} body.wp-admin .column-primary .expand_link a.minus:hover:before,body.wp-admin .column-primary .expand_link a.minus:hover:after {opacity: 0.6;} </style>’; }
24 de Xuño, 2022
I’m using this plugin and it’s a godsend. Just install and view your Pages section in your backend Administration area. You can expand/collapse all, or click on individual page headings and the usual menu of all the sub-pages below expand. I’m using v6.0 +1
14 de Novembro, 2017 1 resposta
I am managing taxonomy ‘brand’ and page with this plugin. for taxonomy terms,I added a new line JS file,the code like:jQuery(‘.acs-hier.taxonomy-brand .actions’).append(catLinks); also I change some Style on parent element or son element,such as background-color,border,font-size,display:none,etc the code like: jQuery(this).addClass(‘has-sub’) little change, more effect. save much time for me. thanks!
6 de Novembro, 2017 1 resposta
I’m web developer and you helped me to manage more than 350 pages on my client website very easily, thank you very much and I want to help you by translating this supplement to Arabic if you want 🙂 And what about Donation button? I want to support you with small amount 😉
Ler todas as 20 opinións

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Rexistro de cambios


** New

  • Added support for category pages

** Changed

  • Used localStorage instead of jquery.cookie
  • Used dashicons for plus/minus instead of images


  • Added support custom post types which are hierarchical


  • Fixed bug – Adding expand/collapse links to all list tables
  • Updated jquery.cookie.js to 1.4.0
  • Enhanced loading of scripts and styles


  • Initial version of the plugin